How to overcome public speaking nerves
Fear of speaking up in public is right up there, isn’t it? The dread of being judged, the crippling fear of failure…
Does any of this sound familiar?
Feeling dread for days before the meeting so you lose days of your life to worry and then you feel tired and anxious just as the meeting starts.
Feeling your heart beat so fast you think everyone can hear it.
Feeling yourself speed up as a speaker so you can’t remember a thing you said.
Feeling your voice shake, squeak or do a variety of unexpected things that you can’t control.
Feeling tense, jerky, uncomfortable and knowing that you’re looking ever so slightly clammy.
Feeling the ums start to kick in, and the frustration that you sound much better in normal conversations than high stakes moments.
Then you need to watch this…
Hope this simple flick of a switch helps!
For lots more do have a look at my online, self paced course which packed with tips just like this one to help you…take a look here Master Your Meetings
If there’s anything you’d like me to address then do please comment or send me a message - I’m always happy to help where I can.
Have a great weekend!
Caroline x